For Allen MAC client Kanuga Conferences, Inc., I wrote and designed an annual fund solicitation brochure and flyer.
Annual Fund Solicitation Brochure and Flyer

Kanuga’s Opportunity
Your Opportunity
Kanuga’s Opportunity…
…is to fulfill its sacred mandate of service to God’s people as a welcoming and hospitable host, an innovative and creative center of Christian teaching and worship, a wise and loving nurturer of children, a trustworthy and stalwart guardian of treasured traditions, and a faithful steward of Kanuga’s revered God-given and man-made resources.
Kanuga’s opportunity is made possible by the people we serve—more than 35,000 guests, campers and conference participants last year alone. In responding to their many, diverse, sometimes urgent and profound needs, Kanuga has become an ever-more vibrant, thriving source of rejuvenation, inspiration, learning and grace throughout every season of every year.
Kanuga’s Opportunity…
…is to serve God through loving, selfless ministry to His people.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to be a conscientious caretaker of 1,400 of the most beautiful acres in all God’s creation and to maintain all facilities and equipment in prime condition.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to preserve the rustic charm and rough-hewn simplicity of 39 cottages, now transformed for year-round use.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to offer clergy and their families a complimentary week of much-needed rest, relaxation and renewal during Easter Respite.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to provide the wise and loving individual attention required to give every single one of the more than 1,000 underprivileged children who come each year to Camp Bob Summer a life-changing experience.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to invite school children to explore the wonders of nature and to encourage adults, both individually and as members of a group, to meet the physical, mental and spiritual challenges presented by Mountain Trail Outdoor School.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to distribute Christmas presents to needy families in Hendersonville, to feed hungry people in Tanzania and to build an orphanage and renovate a children’s hospital in the Republic of Moldova.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to serve the Church as host to the Province IV Synod, the House of Bishops, the Anglican Consultative Council and the Anglican Primates.
Kanuga’s opportunity is to make sure there are rocking chairs on the porch by the lake, hot coffee and toast on the breakfast tables, fresh towels in the guest rooms, canoes and fishing poles by the lake, safety helmets and harnesses at the climbing tower and stacks of seasoned firewood by each cottage door.
Your Opportunity…
…is to attend conferences led by compelling teachers who challenge your mind, build your skills, feed your soul and restore your spirit.
Your opportunity is to return year after year with your family and other staunchly loyal Guest Period “regulars” to your special cottage, your traditional table, your favorite trail, your best fishing spot and your joyful reunion with your many Kanuga friends.
Your opportunity is to build trust and unity among the parishioners of your home church during Parish Family Weekends and to return to your community refreshed and inspired to do God’s work more effectively than ever.
Your opportunity is to send your children to Camp Kanuga every summer, to spur their growth and maturity from their first nights away from home through their guiding a new generation of campers as counselors.
And now, as Kanuga’s lush mountain foliage puts on its glorious display and the season’s first fires begin crackling in the fireplace lounge, you have an opportunity to support Kanuga’s 2004 Annual Fund. When you respond with a generous gift, Kanuga’s opportunity becomes your opportunity to serve God and His children through your support of Kanuga’s most worthy programs and purposes.
Your opportunity is to make Kanuga’s opportunity your own by giving generously to the 2004 Annual Fund.
Kanuga’s Opportunity is Your Opportunity to Help Kanuga:
- Offer superb accommodations, delicious food and exceptional service of the highest quality at affordable rates.
- Keep the buildings and grounds in excellent repair, plant more trees and flowers by the lake, put a fresh coat of paint on a guest room and repair a leaky faucet in a cottage.
- Pay utility bills and insurance premiums, buy prayer books, teacups and light bulbs, and offer an attractive, competitive employee benefits package to its loyal staff.
- Organize and host informative, inspiring conferences and provide scholarship support to all who have genuine need.
- Strengthen the bonds shared among parishioners and make them better servants of God in their home churches and communities.
- Give children chances to grow, learn and have fun every summer and subsidize those who would otherwise miss a wonderful camping experience.
- Respond promptly and amply to urgent pleas for help from people in need, whether just down the road in Hendersonville or around the world.
Make Kanuga’s opportunity your opportunity with your gift to the 2004 Annual Fund.
Annual Giving Flyer
Our Opportunity…
…with this year’s Annual Fund is to help Kanuga continue serving the Lord’s people and His church with genuine devotion and hospitality.
By visiting Kanuga, by participating year after year in our programs and activities, and by enjoying our cherished traditions, your life and service to God truly are Kanuga’s opportunity, mission and purpose made manifest.
With your loyal and generous support of the Annual Fund, you make Kanuga’s opportunity your opportunity to play an essential role in the valuable work of this venerable institution.
If you know Kanuga’s history, you know there have been lean years in which we struggled for our very survival. You know, too, as the generosity of our supporters has grown, Kanuga’s opportunity to serve God and His people has flourished.
In the past two decades, annual gifts have increased tenfold, from $150,000 to $1,500,000. Endowment has grown to $8,000,000—a phenomenal 160 times its 1983 total of $50,000. It is no coincidence that, during this period of increased financial support, Kanuga’s value and relevance to the work of the Church and in the lives of guests, conference attendees, campers and people in need throughout the world has grown exponentially.
Kanuga’s continuing opportunity to strengthen and enhance its programs while upholding its proud tradition of hospitality is possible only with your ongoing, generous support. It is my honor and privilege to have been entrusted with leading Kanuga’s management team now for almost 22 years and a pleasure to have worked alongside so many of you, whom I count among God’s worthiest of servants.
It is your friendship and fierce loyalty to Kanuga that have always and will always make all things possible. As a most dedicated, devoted friend of Kanuga, I encourage you to make the most of your opportunity to give to this year’s Annual Fund. Your gift is your opportunity to keep our beloved Kanuga as heartwarming as a cottage fireplace, as nourishing as a hearty breakfast in the dining room, as inspiring as a sunrise over Kanuga Lake, as profound as a moment of reflection at St. Francis Chapel, and every bit as enduring as Eagle Rock.
I thank you kindly for your support!
Sincerely yours,
Albert S. Gooch, Jr.
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