Peak Communication Performance

I wrote a sales letter to law firm managing partners and business managers to promote Peak Communication Performance’s “Manners Mean Business” business etiquette training CD.

‘Manners Mean Business’ Sales Letter

Dear [Prospect Name]:

How many times have you encountered business situations in which a perfectly capable staff member, intern, associate, or even a partner, fumbled to find the right fork, interrupted an important meeting to take a cell phone call or interpreted your firm’s “casual Friday” dress code far too liberally?

These awkward moments, while all too common and, at times, even amusing, can have a serious, negative impact on your firm’s ability to attract and retain clients and to advocate effectively on their behalf. For the individual committing these errors in etiquette, the career consequences can be even more devastating. Even the most skillful and knowledgeable professional can be permanently held back by bad manners.

My name is Joe Sommerville. I am founder and president of Peak Communication Performance, a firm dedicated to providing the information and skill-building tools professionals need to excel in their careers through better communication. As you might expect, much of our work focuses on helping our clients create and effectively deliver more persuasive messages. Most recently, we introduced The Toolkit for Business Success, a series of audio CD programs designed to help professionals build the full range of skills they need to succeed. Our first title in the series, “Manners Mean Business,” focuses on the fundamentals of business etiquette.

Why did we select business etiquette as our first topic for the Toolkit? Here are just a few of the reasons:

  • A person who is in command of the fundamentals of etiquette is more confident and at ease in all sorts of business and social situations.
  • Because of their grounding in courtesy and kindness, the rules of etiquette promote behavior that makes any workplace more pleasant and improves interpersonal relationships throughout any organization.
  • Clients are more comfortable dealing with poised, polite professionals. More than one business relationship has failed to materialize or fallen apart because of bad manners.

A ‘Business Etiquette Boot Camp’ on CD

In nine high-quality audio tracks ranging from approximately two to ten minutes each, the “Manners Mean Business” CD provides a clear, concise program of essential information, relevant to a full range of contemporary business situations and concerns. In addition to covering such traditional topics as table settings and introductions, the program addresses such modern-day business challenges as gender-related issues in the work place, cell phones, email, and other such current concerns.

Describing the program as a “business etiquette boot camp,” the program’s featured expert, Virginia Johnson, president of the Contemporary School of Etiquette, focuses on four broad areas, including—

  • First impressions
  • Business meetings
  • Dining
  • Business attire

Using a focused, question-and-answer format, Ms. Johnson and I explore each topic in detail. The tone is friendly and conversational, and the advice is clear and to the point. After a single review, any listener will possess new knowledge and skills he or she can use immediately in a variety of business situations. With additional playback of the CD, listeners can pick up even more details, prepare for especially important business encounters and keep their knowledge fresh.

By providing copies of the “Manners Mean Business” CD for the members of your firm, you are offering them the fastest, easiest, most cost-efficient way to polish their skills at their own pace and in the privacy of their homes, offices or cars. To make sure future staff members have access to the same, critically important information, we recommend including a copy of the CD in your new employee orientation package, too.

Order Now and Receive a 20% Discount PLUS Free Shipping

We are currently offering the “Manners Mean Business” CD, regularly priced at $35, at a 20 percent discount of only $28, plus free shipping and handling. Should you order more than four copies, additional volume discounts are also available.

For your convenience, I am enclosing a form you can use to mail or fax your order to our Houston office. Our fax number is 501 629-5885. If you prefer, you may order online at or call us toll-free at 866 838-3995.

For more information about the “Manners Mean Business” program and to hear two sample audio tracks, please visit the web site.

Remember: One business relationship salvaged because of appropriate etiquette skills could more than cover the cost of your investment in a CD for every single member of your firm. I encourage you to place your order now.


Joseph Sommerville, Ph.D.

P.S. Remember, the special 20 percent price discounts apply only if you order before December 31, 2004. Why not order now, just in time for holiday gift-giving?

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