I helped the North Carolina Hospital Association introduce and promote The Leaders Forum Video Collection, a training series for hospital trustees. I also wrote and designed a brochure for a group purchasing subsidiary, North Carolina Hospital Enterprises.
Brochure and Direct Mail Letters
The Leaders Forum Video Collection
Developed Expressly for Hospital Trustees
The Leadership Series

- Five Critical Factors for Hospital Governance
- Six Steps to Board Self-Evaluation
- Community Health: An Integrated Systems Approach
- The Legal Issues Series
- Basic Theories in Hospital Liability
- Precedent-Setting Cases in Hospital Liability Law
- How to Avoid Conflicts of Interest
- The Hospital-Physician Relationship Series
- Ten Important Steps in Physician Credentialling
- Physician/Hospital Organizations: From Engagement to Marriage
- Straight Talk about Hospital/Physician Relationships
- The Financial Issues Series
- Capitation 101
- Capitation 102
When You Make the Leaders Forum Videotape Collection Part of Trustee Training at Your Hospital, You—
- Help your board members understand the nature and scope of their role in hospital governance.
- Provide the information your board members need to make informed decisions.
- Improve working relationships among your board, your medical staff and hospital administration.
Topical and Timely
The Leaders Forum Videotape Collection addresses the topics you and your trustees are most interested in right now—leadership and governance, current legal issues, physician-hospital relationships and financial issues. With an expected “shelf life” of three to four years, you’ll find the Leaders Forum videotapes a useful resource now and well into the future.
Superior Quality
The Leaders Forum Videotape Collection is packed with concise information from recognized healthcare authorities who present their topics in ways that will help your trustees understand and retain what they’ve heard and seen.
Produced by the North Carolina Hospital Association, the series achieves just the right tone for your hospital. The programs are sophisticated without being slick, using proven video production techniques to achieve superior quality and effectiveness.
Versatile and Easy to Use
Like any truly effective training tool, the Leaders Forum videotapes are versatile. You can use your Leaders Forum tapes—
- As part of your board members’ self-directed training and orientation “homework.”
- As the educational portion of a regular board meeting.
- As a lead-in to an intensive board meeting discussion on a topic of immediate concern to your hospital.
- As the core curriculum for a day-long or weekend retreat.
- As basic training and orientation for key hospital staff members.
With running times ranging from 11 to 20 minutes, the Leaders Forum videotapes fit easily into an hour-long meeting or into a board member’s few moments of spare time at home.
Each tape comes with its own Discussion Guide to help board members apply the basic concepts presented to your hospital’s situation. The Bibliography supplied with each tape will lead interested viewers to the best additional resources on the topic.
Affordable and Risk-Free
Each Leaders Forum videotape costs only $50, including shipping, making the entire 11-tape collection affordable by even the smallest community hospital.
You can order tapes with confidence, knowing if you decide for any reason you don’t want to keep any of the Leaders Forum videotapes, the no-risk, 100 percent satisfaction guarantee allows you to return the tapes for a full refund.
The Topics You Want and Need Most Explained by Leading Industry Experts
The Leadership Series
Five Critical Factors for Hospital Governance. What is the working definition of governance? What are the major responsibilities of a hospital board? Does the size of your board help or hinder your effectiveness? Noted healthcare author and consultant Winifred Hageman examines how both new and experienced board members can govern more effectively. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 14 minutes. $50.
Six Steps to Board Self-Evaluation. How effective has your board been? What can your board do better? How do your trustees know if they are doing the best possible job, both individually and as part of the board as a whole? Winifred Hageman outlines a step-by-step approach to reexamining your board’s role, responsibilities, relations, its mission, goals and objectives and its policies and procedures for communication and decision-making. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography, Self-Evaluation Form, Board Work Plan. Approximate running time: XX minutes. $50.
Community Health: An Integrated Systems Approach. What is your hospital’s present role as a healthcare resource for your community? Would your community benefit from better cooperation and coordination among its healthcare providers? What part should your hospital play in creating and maintaining a comprehensive, integrated community healthcare system? Winifred Hageman discusses the benefits of an integrated systems approach to community healthcare and outlines specific considerations for your board. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: XX minutes. $50.
The Legal Issues Series
Basic Theories in Hospital Liability. What is hospital corporate liability? What three important hospital liability theories now shape court judgments? What are your hospital’s responsibilities to its patients? What are your responsibilities? In this program, attorney Charlotte Jefferies explains critical theories that have influenced and shaped hospital liability law. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 11 minutes. $50.
Precedent-Setting Cases in Hospital Liability Law. When did hospital governing boards become legally responsible for the quality of care delivered by its medical staff? What cases have been most influential in forming today’s negligence laws? How do these cases affect your trustees’ duties in overseeing medical staffing, physician credentialling and quality assurance at your hospital? Healthcare attorney Charlotte Jefferies outlines four pivotal court decisions that helped define current hospital liability law. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 10 minutes. $50.
How to Avoid Conflicts of Interest. Can your board protect its members from potential conflicts of interest? How should your trustees disclose a conflict of interest? What sanctions can your board apply for blatant conflicts of interest? Noted healthcare attorney John D. Leech answers these critically important questions, provides specific examples of potential areas of conflict of interest and outlines sound policies and procedures your trustees can easily apply to your hospital. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 11 minutes. $50.
The Hospital-Physician Relationship Series
Ten Important Steps in Physician Credentialling. What is the board’s role in physician credentialling? Who makes the final decision regarding which physicians will—and which ones will not practice in your hospital? How can you implement thorough and efficient credentialling policies and procedures? Healthcare attorney Charlotte Jefferies provides an excellent guide for trustees needing detailed information on this challenging aspect of hospital governance. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 20 minutes. $50.
Physician/Hospital Organizations: From Engagement to Marriage. How can trustees choose the right physician/hospital relationship for your hospital? What are the legal structures of physician/hospital organizations? What seven considerations should your trustees address? Attorney John Leech discusses the vital issues your board should consider and the essential steps to creating your own successful physician/hospital organization. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 12 minutes. $50.
Straight Talk about Hospital/Physician Relationships. What are the potential problems inherent in the hospital/physician relationship? How can they be resolved? What attributes do your trustees need to meet the challenges presented by hospital/physician relationships? John Leech, a healthcare attorney, offers step-by-step guidance to help your trustees recognize and solve problems commonly experienced among their board, the medical staff and hospital administration. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 12 minutes. $50.
The Financial Issues Series
Capitation 101. What is capitation? How do capitation plays typically work? How will your hospital be impacted by risk-sharing agreements with payors through capitation? Healthcare attorney Scott Roman gives a concise overview of capitation, providing trustees a sound working knowledge of what capitated plans are, how they work and how they could affect your hospital. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 20 minutes. $50.
Capitation 102. As capitated plans become more common, how are they evolving and what do the most recent changes mean to your hospital? How can your hospital benefit from entering into capitated contracts? What are the pitfalls to avoid? In the second of two tapes dealing with capitation, attorney Scott Roman focuses on contract considerations, explaining how best to safeguard your hospital’s best interests in contract negotiations. VHS. Includes printed Discussion Guide, Bibliography. Approximate running time: 20 minutes. $50.
Forum Authorities
Winifred Hageman is a noted author and consultant on hospital governance. In addition to serving as a hospital trustee, she co-authored Hospital Corporate Leadership: The Board-Chief Executive Relationship with Richard Umbdenstock, and The Complete Guide to Self-Evaluation of the Hospital Governing Board with Richard Umbdenstock and Barry Bader. She also co-edited Critical Readings for Hospital Trustees.
Charlotte Jefferies, JD, is an experienced health planner who has lectured on hospital medical staff bylaws, credentialing, and the Health Care Quality Improvement Act of 1986. She is also a research editor for Action Kit for Hospital Law, The Medical Staff Law Manual and Patient Care Law.
John D. Leech is a partner in the Cleveland, Ohio, law firm of Calfee, Halter & Griswold who specializes in healthcare law and antitrust and trade regulation. He speaks frequently to trustees across the country on healthcare issues. Mr. Leech also serves as a hospital trustee, a member of the American Hospital Association’s Congress of Hospital Trustees and a member of the AHA Board of Trustees.
Scott Roman, an attorney who specializes in health care law, serves clients including hospitals, medical groups, independent practice associations and other health care providers, helping them establish managed care strategies, physician/hospital organizations, independent practice associations and management service organizations. He is helping several provider networks establish their own HMOs and/or joint ventures with HMOs.
The Duke Endowment Keeps Costs Low, Quality High
Initial funding for The Leaders Forum Videotape Collection came through a grant from The Duke Endowment, one of the health care industry’s most respected philanthropic organizations, to the North Carolina Hospital Association. Future programs will be funded by proceeds from the sale of the first 11 tapes.
Videotape Series Flyer
How Your Colleagues are Using The Leaders Forum Video Series to Train Their Trustees. . .
How You Can, Too!
We recently interviewed CEOs who have already bought Leaders Forum tapes. Here’s how they’re using them:
In Meetings
Several CEOs said they select tapes from the Leaders Forum Video Series to introduce specific agenda items at regular board meetings. With each tape’s succinct, well-organized approach to the subject matter, these CEOs find the tapes invaluable in providing board members the background information they need quickly, efficiently and effortlessly. With running times averaging only 15 minutes, you’ll find when you make a pertinent Leaders Forum tape part of your board meetings, there’s still plenty of time left to discuss the issues raised and how they affect your hospital.
At Home
For board members who want to learn on their own at home, and for CEOs who prefer not to use meeting time to view tapes, hundreds of hospitals have created their own Leaders Forum video lending libraries. Some hospitals report circulating the tapes from their administrative offices while others distribute the tapes to their board members and have them circulate them among themselves. As you might expect, the hospitals reporting the highest usage are those that regularly remind board members the tapes are available. As you create your own Leaders Forum library, be sure to plan strategies to encourage your board members to take full advantage of these powerful learning tools.
For Workshops and Retreats
The Leaders Forum Video Series tapes are designed to work individually or as part of a group of related titles, making them ideal for workshops and retreats of virtually any length, breadth or depth. As you plan your workshop or retreat, you’ll appreciate the nearly limitless flexibility the series offers. Want to spend an afternoon helping your board function more effectively? Plan a three- or four-hour program around the three tapes on leadership. Want to improve relations with your medical staff? Use the three tapes examining the hospital-physician relationship and their Discussion Guides as the foundation and framework for an intensive day-long seminar. Need to design a comprehensive orientation for new board members with little background in healthcare? Develop a weekend retreat using the entire series to handle the basics while you hone in on the specifics as they relate to your hospital.
They’re Using the Discussion Guides and Bibliographies, Too!
Every Leaders Forum videotape comes with its own Discussion Guide and Bibliography, prepared in cooperation with the featured expert.
As you’ll discover, each Discussion Guide is carefully designed to help your board members apply the material presented in the videotape to your situation at your hospital. Using these guides with the videotapes, you’ll help your board members understand the information presented better and retain it longer.
You’ll also appreciate how having the Discussion Guides at hand, ready for photocopying, helps you organize your thoughts while saving you valuable meeting preparation time.
When you and your board members are ready to explore Leaders Forum topics in greater detail, you’ll find the Bibliography that comes with each tape helpful in locating the resources the experts recommend.
Guided by the Bibliography, you’ll locate the specific information you need quickly and easily while avoiding the resources the experts consider less helpful.
Sales Letter
Trustee Training Has Never Been Easier— Or More Affordable
Dear Hospital CEO:
Do your trustees understand their appropriate role in hospital governance?
Do they understand your hospital’s role in healthcare for your community?
Are they familiar with legal issues pertaining to conflicts of interest and hospital liability?
Do they know enough about the hospital-physician relationship—from credentialling policies and procedures to forming PHOs?
What about the healthcare industry’s fast-changing financial scene? Could they make an informed decision if one of your payors proposed a risk-sharing arrangement?
And most important, do you have the tools and the time you need to offer them the training they need on these critically important issues?
Introducing The Leaders Forum Video Series
We asked hospital CEOs like you, along with a select group of hospital trustees, to tell us the information they want and need now to be most effective.
They named leadership, legal and financial issues and physician relationships as the topics they’d most like our immediate help in addressing.
Next, we identified recognized experts who could provide that information with insight and authority.
Finally, we packaged it in eleven 10- to 20-minute, information-packed videotapes, accompanied by thought-provoking Discussion Guides and Bibliographies.
We call these powerful new training tools The Leaders Forum Video Series.
You can make these tapes and supporting materials available to your trustees right away, when you order now.
Flexible Learning Tools Let You Train Your Trustees When, Where, How and How Often You Like
It’s easy to use the Leaders Forum videotapes in your choice of training situations—
- At home, your trustees can view and review the videotapes on their own as part of a self-paced orientation and training program.
- At regular board meetings, you can use the tapes as the meeting’s educational component or as background information to introduce a discussion.
- You can group related titles, supplemented by hospital-specific information, to create a comprehensive trustee workshop or retreat.
Each videotape comes packaged in an attractive hard-shell case with the accompanying Discussion Guide and Bibliography tucked inside. You can even use the case’s roomy document pocket to add your own notes on the program topic.
Whenever, wherever and however you choose to use them, you’ll appreciate having The Leaders Forum videotapes on hand to help you help your board become better informed, better educated and more effective.
Let Recognized Industry Experts Train Your Board
Our industry experts—Winifred Hageman, Charlotte Jefferies, John Leech and Scott Roman—have done all the work of organizing and condensing the material for you, adding fresh, authoritative ideas to each of their program topics.
All you have to do is play the tape.
Then, using the Discussion Guides included with each program, you or your board chair can lead your trustees to a deeper understanding of how the issues covered affect your hospital.
For those who want to know more, the Bibliography with each tape identifies the resources the experts feel are most helpful.
The Duke Endowment Helps Keep Costs Low, Quality High
Initial funding for The Leaders Forum Video Series came to the series producer, The North Carolina Hospital Association, through a grant from The Duke Endowment, one of the healthcare industry’s most respected philanthropic organizations.
Future programs for the series will be funded using proceeds from the sale of the first eleven tapes.
Because of the Duke Endowment grant, we are able to offer your hospital these high-quality tapes featuring four of the healthcare industry’s most prominent authorities for only $50 per tape, making the entire series affordable to even the smallest community hospitals.
Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
Your hospital can own all eleven Leaders Forum videotapes for $550—about what you’d pay to send one trustee out of town to a two- or three-day training seminar. Or choose just the titles you want for only $50 per tape, including shipping and handling.
You can order any or all of The Leaders Forum videotapes with complete confidence, knowing your 100% satisfaction is guaranteed:
If you’re not satisfied with any Leaders Forum videotape for any reason, simply return it to the North Carolina Hospital Association for a full refund.
Here’s How to Order
You can put these powerful trustee training tools to work in your hospital right away, using your choice of three easy ways to order—
- Mail the enclosed Order Form in the postage-paid envelope.
- Fax the enclosed Order Form to (803) 269-7618.
- Call (800) 768-4336.
You may pay for your tapes by check, payable to The North Carolina Hospital Foundation, or by VISA or MasterCard. We are also happy to accept your hospital’s purchase order number.
Don’t Delay!
Because the topics covered in The Leaders Forum Video Series are so critically important to your hospital and your trustees, we urge you to order right now!
Put these powerful, affordable training tools to work in your hospital, and watch your board become better-informed and more effective as a result.
Ellen B. MacMillan, Series Producer
The Healthshare Enterprise Brochure
Introducing a Group Purchasing Organization Created Especially for Long Term Care Providers Just Like You

Imagine having a highly qualified, highly specialized, highly respected team of purchasing experts from the nation’s largest GPO working fulltime every day on your behalf to negotiate great deals on the products and services you need most. Now, imagine getting their services absolutely free, with no obligation to buy anything, ever. Membership is yours simply for the asking.
Imagine Healthshare Enterprise.
Here’s how we help you improve your quality of care while cutting your costs.
At Healthshare Enterprise, we know what products and services long term care facilities buy every day, and we know group purchasing. We use our expertise and buying power as the nation’s largest GPO to negotiate the best possible deals for our members with the industry’s leading vendors. Finally, we provide a level of member service unrivaled in the industry.
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As a non-committed program, Healthshare Enterprise allows you to do business directly with the vendors you choose. We never require you to purchase from any of our vendors, although we are happy to show you the advantages of a particular Healthshare Enterprise vendor’s products or services. After negotiating the best possible deals, we step aside and let you place your own orders and arrange deliveries for just what you need, just when you need it.
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Members who qualify for manufacturers’ rebates receive the full rebate—not just a percentage. We even track, bill and provide printouts.
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We make sure you get the most from your membership.
When you join Healthshare Enterprise, we assign a representative from our Member Services Department to explain our services to your staff and help them understand all the ways we can save you money. Once you’re a member, we make regular personal visits, helping you compare costs, research purchasing decisions and train your staff. We even offer you approximately 20 credit hours of continuing education per year.
It’s all free, with no obligations!
Best of all, membership in Healthshare Enterprises is free, with no obligation to buy anything. Of course, once you see the vendor list, the products and services available, the substantial discounts and the generous payment terms, we’re confident you’ll want to start enjoying the benefits of membership right away.
You can depend on us to negotiate the best deals on the best products and services available in our industry.
Healthshare Enterprise is a joint venture of North Carolina Hospital Enterprises and Healthshare Associates, Inc., created to provide group purchasing services for long term care providers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee.
Healthshare Associates, Inc., is a purchasing service with more than 2,300 nursing home members, representing more than 90% of New England’s long term care facilities. During its first eleven years, Healthshare Associates has become the nation’s largest long term care purchasing group, with more than $200 million in annual sales.
North Carolina Hospital Enterprises is a for-profit subsidiary of the North Carolina Hospital Association. Since 1989, Enterprises has provided superior financial, technological and support services to help NCHA-member hospitals improve efficiency and cut costs.
Together these two industry leaders bring you just the right combination of experience, expertise and clout to make Healthshare Enterprise your group purchasing organization of choice.
And, unlike many GPOs, Healthshare Enterprise operates independently. We own no vendor organizations and have no interests in any long term care operations.
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