Thank You
Thank you for offering your time and energy to your NAMI affiliate. Because of your commitment to our cause and your willingness to serve, we can—and do—have a lasting positive impact on the lives of families and mental health care consumers coping with mental illness throughout our state.
If you’re a first-time officer, director or committee head of your affiliate, you may feel overwhelmed with your new responsibilities. If you’re a seasoned veteran, you may be looking for fresh ideas to revitalize your affiliate. In either case, we created the Affiliate Tool Kit for you.
Use the Tool Kit to—
- Educate and orient new affiliate leaders.
- Build understanding and consensus about our organization’s mission and goals among your members.
- Provide officers and committee heads the information and perspectives they need to do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.
- Adapt ideas and strategies that have worked for other affiliates to yours.
- Help organize your affiliate and its activities so your members can spend less time on preparation and planning and more time on getting the job done.
We’ve chosen a loose-leaf binder format because we consider The Affiliate Tool Kit to be an ongoing project. We plan to add new ideas, program descriptions and other materials as we develop them, and we hope you will supplement the various sections of your Tool Kit with information specific to your affiliate. You may also create new sections in which to store meeting minutes, copies of newsletters and other reference materials.
Call Us. We Can Help.
Please keep in mind—we created The Affiliate Tool Kit to supplement—not substitute for—the support services our state office staff provides each affiliate. Besides using the Tool Kit for ideas, training and reference, we urge you to work directly with our staff to receive support and guidance tailored to your affiliate’s individual situation, resources and needs.
Please let us know if you have suggestions for improving The Affiliate Tool Kit and be sure to share your best ideas with us for possible use in an upcoming Tool Kit revision or addition. Thanks again for your service to your affiliate.
Let’s Talk About Your Marketing Communications Goals and Challenges!
If you’re looking for help with writing, graphic design and marketing communications and you like the portfolio samples you see here, contact me to schedule a telephone call to explore the possibilities of a collaboration. Of course, there is no cost or obligation for the call.