Computer Support
NAMI thanks Sam Bryan of North Carolina’s NAMI Durham County for help with this section.
Before personal computers became so common, small businesses and organizations relied entirely on handwritten customer or member data and financial records in ledger books and journals. While it’s certainly possible to maintain your member data and financial records entirely on paper, the tasks involved will be much easier to manage with the help of a computer.
Here are a few of the ways your affiliate can use a computer—
Word processing
- Meeting minutes
- General correspondence
- Newsletters (Most word processing programs support desktop publishing features suitable for newsletters.)
Database management
- Member records
- Donor records
- Bookkeeping and budgeting
Internet access
- Email to and from members
- Email to and from the state and national office staff members
- Special-interest email mailing lists dealing with various disorders and mental health issues
- Research on mental health issues at World Wide Web sites
Recommended Hardware
Computer specifications:
- IBM-compatible desktop running Windows 95 or Windows 98
- Minimum 166 megahertz Pentium or K6 processor
- Minimum 32 megabytes RAM (random access memory)
- Minimum 2 gigabyte hard drive
- CD ROM drive
- Speakers
- 56 kbs (kilobytes per second) modem
- Minimum 15” color monitor
In general, computer novices are better off buying computer equipment locally since, if anything goes wrong, you can return the equipment to the store. It’s best to buy from dealers in business for at least five years with multiple locations. If you are considering buying direct from a manufacturer, check computer magazines for service and quality ratings of the companies you are considering. Before making your final decision, discuss your computer purchase via mail order versus a local retailer with your affiliate’s computer expert.
An alternative to purchasing a new computer is to find a business or individual willing to donate equipment to your affiliate. Many companies that rely on demanding software applications replace nearly-new hardware that would be fine for your affiliate’s needs.
You may want to consider a refurbished or used computer, but we recommend you buy used equipment only from a dealer or directly from a manufacturer who is willing to offer a warranty. Whether or not this option is viable for your affiliate depends at least in part on the skill level of your computer expert.
Recommended Software
Microsoft Works for Windows is the software we recommend to affiliates. Works includes word processing, database management and spreadsheet modules. The software is reasonably priced, and you’ll find plenty of training materials available for Works at your local bookstore. Often, Works comes already installed on new computers.
Microsoft Money and Quicken are simple accounting programs designed for users who need to keep basic financial records. If your treasurer is familiar with financial accounting, he or she may prefer a full-featured accounting program, such as QuickBooks. Be sure to consult with your treasurer before you buy accounting software.
For complete access to the Internet, including flexible email, World Wide Web sites, newsgroups and other Internet resources, you will need an account with one of the dozens of Internet service providers, such as America Online or Mindspring. If you or a friend have Internet access now, you can get a list of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) serving your area by visiting one of these World Wide Web sites:
- http://www.boardwatch.com
- http://www.ispfinder.com
- http://www.thelist.internet.com
The Internet service provider you choose will supply you with the software you need to install on your computer to use the service. Most services bill monthly—usually about $20 for unlimited access. Some providers offer discounts to nonprofit organizations. Some even donate the account outright. It’s worth asking. Be sure to choose a provider who offers local telephone access and a toll-free customer service line.
Free Email
Several companies offer free email accounts, supported by advertising. When you check your email, you’ll have to click through some ads before reaching your list of messages.
One of the best known providers of free email accounts is Juno.com. You can get a copy of the software you need by calling 800 654-JUNO. You’ll be charged $8.82 for shipping, so have your credit card handy. If you or a friend have Internet access, you can download the software for free. Unless you can call toll-free to one of the cities JUNO serves, you will have to pay long distance charges to use Juno’s free email service.
Get Some Help
Despite what the television commercials suggest, there is more to using a personal computer than just plugging it in. We strongly recommend identifying an experienced computer user from among your members and asking him or her to serve as your affiliate’s computer trainer and consultant.
If none of your affiliate members has the time and expertise you need, consider—
- A community volunteer
- A volunteer service bureau
- A civic club
- Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts
- A local computer club (check with a high school computer teacher)
- A high school computer whiz (ask the teacher)
- A college service fraternity
- Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
If you are unable to recruit a volunteer, consider hiring a high school student with computer skills. The student will probably work for a rather small fee and will appreciate the chance to show off his or her skills in a real-world application.
Many books are available to help novices learn to use Windows, Works and the Internet. Most programs include tutorials you can use to learn basic program features. There are also training videotapes and CD ROMs. Most community colleges offer computer courses for beginners.
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