My client, James R. Leichter, known as “Mr. HVAC,” hired me to write and design a direct mail package to promote his Total Office Manager software to contractors. He mailed a six-page sales letter I wrote to prospects along with the brochure I created. I also wrote and designed another sales brochure for the Lenexa, Kansas, company’s Flat Rate Plus HVAC services pricing software.
Total Office Manager Sales Letter
Mr. Joe Prospect, President
Typical HVAC Contracting Company
123 Broad Street
Anytown, USA 12345
Dear Mr. Prospect:
Thank you—and congratulations—for your interest in Total Office Manager—Easy Street’s powerful new management system designed by service contractors for service contractors exactly like you.
Why the congratulations?
Simply because, by asking us to tell you more about TOM, you’ve taken an important first step toward realizing your most ambitious dreams for yourself, your employees, your customers and your company.
They Call Me Mr. HVAC
I’m James R. Leichter—better known as “Mr. HVAC” to hundreds of contractors who’ve visited my web site, heard me speak at industry events or used my software and other specialized business tools to make more money in their contracting businesses. I started in our industry the early 1980s as a humble helper for an HVAC, plumbing and electrical contractor. I went on to become a Certified Master mechanic and launched not one, but two successful mechanical contracting companies.
Like you, I’ve done my time in the trenches—or I should say, under the kitchen sinks and in the attics and crawl spaces. And like you, as a business owner, I’ve put in my fair share of time sitting behind a desk, wondering if the decisions I was making were the right ones for the future of my company.
I’m happy to report my decisions were, for the most part, sound, because my contracting businesses grew and thrived. But for all my success, I realized my true calling was not as an owner of a contracting business, but right back where I started—as a helper. That’s why I started my consulting business—HVAC Management Systems—a company that evolved into, Inc., and Easy Street, Inc. quickly became—and still is—one of the industry’s most popular sources of management advice, online financial calculators and other business tools. Since I started the company in 1995, Easy Street has become a leading publisher of software, books and ready-to-use kits that make short work of things like maintenance agreements, invoices, sales proposals and customer satisfaction surveys.
And Easy Street ’s Flat Rate Plus™ software is helping contractors all over the country make more money—and hear fewer customer complaints—using their own custom-generated rate books. Thanks to Flat Rate Plus, Easy Street is now the industry’s undisputed leader in flat-rate pricing.
There’s Got to Be a Better Way—and Now There Is!
When I was in the contracting business, I used the same “plain vanilla” accounting and contact management software lots of small business owners were using, along with a Rolodex, a write-on dispatch board, a bunch of those “While You Were Out” pads, and many random scraps of paper.
If I ever stopped long enough to think about how inefficient things were around the office—like those times when I was searching through a trashcan for a lost phone number—I told myself, “There’s got to be a better way to run a contracting business!” Then I’d find the phone number and get back to work.
When I became a consultant, I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to finding that better way to run contracting businesses of all kinds and to sharing my findings with the industry I love.
Soon after I began my search, one thing became crystal clear: plain vanilla’s really OK—for ice cream!
But for running a successful contracting business, you need more powerful, precisely customized software.
The problem was, I couldn’t find the right software for my contractor-clients who had outgrown their generic software. Some of the available “solutions” were really just add-ons or plug-ins to the same old one-size-fits-all programs. Others were obviously designed by computer geeks who were great at programming, but who had no idea of how to run a real-world contracting business.
Introducing TOM!
A little over three years ago, I decided to stop looking out there for the software I knew service contractors wanted and needed and instead, to create it from scratch.
I assembled my own hand-picked team of service technicians, master mechanics, electrical engineers, owners of contracting businesses, accounting experts and business consultants and got to work. Yes, there were some great “software nerds” on the TOM team, too, but from the outset, they relied on us “contracting nerds” to have the final say on individual features and overall product design.
Our Kansas-based team began with a careful study of QuickBooks® and PeachTree® users to determine exactly what they liked and disliked most about these widely-used programs. We also looked at popular contact management programs like Act!® to see what features and functions truly make sense for service contractors.
Along the way, we consulted with a leading CPA and a noted tax attorney to make absolutely sure we were on the right track. We incorporated their many, invaluable suggestions into the finished program.
Now, after devoting approximately 14,000 hours to the project, our development team is pleased and proud to present TOM—a complete management solution designed by contractors for contractors!
We’ve Thought of Everything
As you get to know Total Office Manager, you’ll have to agree, we’ve thought of everything to make TOM a truly comprehensive program to handle virtually every aspect of operating your contracting business.
Just take a look at my short list of TOM’s primary, built-in features:
Full system security, audit trail, dispatching, scheduling, personal and private appointments, reminders and alarms, work orders and call slips, customer relationship management, contact logs for customers, vendors, and employees, detailed marketing source tracking, general ledger, industry specific chart of accounts, accounts receivable, accounts payable, credit management, fixed asset management including tracking of company property, depreciation, inventory control including multiple location, serialized equipment tracking, multiple markup, and costing methods, service agreements, technician tool lists, assignment, and tracking, order entry, purchase orders, proposals and estimates, payroll with commissions and performance based compensation, job costing, cash flow management, comprehensive customer service history, comprehensive customer financial history, flat rate pricing, bar code labels, telephone messaging, detailed reports, automated backups with reminders, and much more.
TOM really is everything you need—and nothing you don’t need—in a single, fully-integrated system.
A Few More Reasons Why You’re Going to Love TOM
- TOM is easy to install, with no special networking software required. If you can run Microsoft Office 2000 on your computers, you can run TOM without needing to invest in any new hardware to run this powerful program.
- TOM comes complete and ready to manage your entire business. Its interrelated functions share data seamlessly, assuring maximum efficiency, speed and reliability.
- TOM can keep track of as many separate companies, departments, branches, and locations as your hardware can accommodate.
- TOM has a very friendly, intuitive user interface. It’s easy to get around in TOM, with most features and options no more than one or two mouse-clicks away.
- Many routine contractor-business tasks are virtually hot-wired into TOM. Instantly produce invoices from work orders. Quickly produce service agreements from work orders or invoices. Add customer equipment on the fly. Look up customer repair history or credit status with a single click. Add any record to any list in a single, simple step.
- TOM’s online help system gives you a complete explanation of how each form works with the press of one key. TOM also comes with a complete set of easy-to-read, user-friendly printed manuals.
- TOM is not a salesman. You won’t have to interrupt your work to close those annoying pop-up ads offering you checks and payroll services and online backup options.
- Chances are if you’re ready for TOM, your business is large enough to require several people to use the system at any given time. That’s why we designed TOM especially for networks and multiple users. If you’ve ever been frustrated with error messages forcing you into “Single User Mode” to perform routine tasks, or if you’ve ever wished you could log on from any computer in your office and have the system respond based on your user preferences—you’ll appreciate TOM’s carefully-thought-out multi-user functions.
- TOM is exceptionally flexible and tolerant when it comes to enforcing accounting rules. Most accounting programs force you to close the books at the end of each fiscal year, but with TOM, you have the option of never closing your books—ever! You’re in complete control of reporting periods and enjoy full access to all your data—even if it’s years old.
- If yours is a relatively small operation with a limited number of users, TOM lets you delete a check, an invoice or most anything else without hassle. If you need a higher level of security for multiple users, TOM is equally prepared to leave an audit trail showing you who logged in, when, and what the user did to what record. You’re always in complete, completely-informed control of your system.
- TOM is fully compliant with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Your GAAP-compliant reports will be acceptable to bankers, finance companies, creditors, stockholders, security analysts—anyone who needs to read your financial statements.
- TOM’s relational database management functions are based on popular, powerful Microsoft Access, with no built-in obstacles to lock you out of your own database and into our product. You can always get at your data to process it and analyze it as you please—even transfer it to another accounting program.
All This and Service, Too!
Total Office Manager from Easy Street, Inc., truly is a complete, thoroughly integrated software solution for your contracting business. For a single purchase price, you receive a fully functioning, tightly interwoven suite of applications designed to address every task associated with running your day-to-day operations as well as managing your continuing growth and success.
As you begin using TOM, you’re bound to have questions. Down the road, the occasional glitch is bound to crop up.
I promise you—we’ll be there for you then, giving you the answers and technical support you need.
No matter what your level of expertise, we have a service plan that’s right for you. Whether you choose one of our annual service contracts, purchase blocks of technical support time or simply call us when you need us, you can count on receiving full and complete answers to your questions and fast solutions to your problems.
And it’s definitely not in our business plans to outsource support—ever. Your call for help will come directly into our Kansas headquarters and will be handled by someone who will stick with you until your problem is solved and you’re back in business.
An Investment in Your Future Success
TOM brings you powerful features and functions found in $30,000 programs, but since we sell directly to our customers with no middlemen, we have priced TOM at only $10,000. Granted, that’s considerably more than the few hundred bucks you paid for QuickBooks and ACT! But a brand new, fully-equipped, custom-fitted service truck costs more than a motor scooter, doesn’t it?
Let me assure you, I realize TOM represents a substantial investment for any company. If I were in your position now—running my contracting business—I’d be looking pretty hard at the numbers, wondering if they’d ultimately add up in my favor. I’d be thinking about the value of my employees’ time, the costs of inadequate inventory and business asset controls, the inefficiencies of cobbled-together generic software systems, the daily frustrations that come with never quite having your business act totally together.
And I’d be imagining myself running my company with TOM—dreaming of customers’ calls and messages that never fall through the cracks, of jobs scheduled and techs dispatched with the utmost efficiency, of knowing exactly where all my inventory is and what tools are on what trucks and in the hands of which employees, of being in complete control of billing and cash flow, of having all the relevant facts I need to make good business decisions.
With those thoughts—and dreams—in mind, I’m almost certain I would see TOM as a sound investment that would play a pivotal role in the future growth and success of any service contracting company.
My Personal Guarantee
Do you stand behind your work? Of course you do. And I’m every bit as committed to standing behind TOM with this personal guarantee:
You will love TOM, or you can return it for a full refund.
It’s that simple. If you don’t love TOM, I promise to give you your money back. All I ask is that you call us within thirty days of the invoice date and ask for a return authorization number.
Ready to Move Forward?
As I’m sure you realize by now, in the three years I’ve spent working on TOM, I’ve become a huge fan! I believe in TOM and have absolute confidence in the quality of our product and the profoundly positive benefits TOM will bring to our industry.
But if you’re just hearing about TOM for the first time, you probably have at least a few questions you’d like answered before you place your order. The best place to get to know TOM better is on our web site at There you’ll find many more details about specific ways TOM will transform your contracting business into a well-oiled money-making machine.
You can also call us at (800) 123-4567. Tell us about your contracting business, and we’ll tell you exactly what TOM can do for you.
Again, thank you for your interest in Total Office Manager. We look forward to receiving your order.
James R. Leichter
P.S. If you’re caught up in the day-to-day details of running your business, you may feel you don’t have time to think about a new software system right now. But for every day you delay, you lose countless opportunities to do things better, faster and more cost-efficiently. That’s why I urge you—call us now at (800) 123-4567!
Total Office Manager Sales Brochure

Front panel:
You wouldn’t go out on a job with only this in your toolbox.
[Photo of Swiss Army Knife]
So why are you running your contracting company using off-the-shelf software?
Inside first panel:
You Need TOM!
If you’re operating your contracting business using plain vanilla accounting software—maybe with a separate contact management program to fill in the gaps—your company is not as efficient—and not as profitable—as it could be.
To run your business at peak efficiency from day-to-day—and to manage it effectively from year-to-year—you need a full set of specialized, professional-grade software tools designed expressly for the job.
You need TOM!
Our goal—and we’re confident we’ve achieved it—was to make TOM a single, fully-integrated software system offering absolutely everything contractors need—and nothing they don’t need—to run their businesses.
TOM is complete and ready to handle every conceivable accounting, operations and management information task any service contracting business requires.
If you order TOM this week, you’ll be operating your contracting business better, faster and much more profitably as early as next week!
Once you start using TOM, we guarantee you’ll wonder how you ever ran your business without it.
And the benefits of smoother operations, better management and control, increased sales and higher profits will just keep growing for as long as you use TOM.
Is TOM for You?
We designed Total Office Manager software expressly for contractors—HVAC, plumbing, electrical and appliance repair businesses—with annual sales in the $800,000 to $8 million range.
TOM is right for your contracting business if—
- You feel you’ve outgrown your current one-size-fits-all accounting program.
- You’re frustrated at the inefficiency of having one program for accounting, another for contact management plus inefficient paper-based scheduling and messaging systems.
- You’re unwilling to settle for partial solutions—programs that are merely add-ons or plugins for popular generic accounting programs.
- You provide exceptional quality and service to your customers and you expect your vendors to meet the same high standards, too.
Are you ready now for your business to grow and thrive as it never has before? Then don’t delay. Call now!
866 936-7866
Welcome to Easy Street
Total Office Manager is brought to you by Easy Street, Inc., owned and operated by James R. Leichter since 1995. Well-known throughout the service contracting industry as “Mr. HVAC,” James is a technician-turned-contractor-turned-consultant, motivational speaker and developer of a number of specialized software products for contractors—including Beyond Breakeven, Easy Load Calc, Knowledge Mark and Conversion Pro.
Our flagship software product—Flat Rate Plus—has made us the industry’s undisputed leader in the flat race pricing movement.
James’ website,, is among the most popular—and the most useful—Internet destinations in the industry. It’s the contractor’s go-to site for ideas, inspiration and specialized products to solve problems and build profits.
For more information about how Total Office Manager software can transform your contracting business—and to download a demonstration version of TOM—visit Or call us at 866 936-7866.
Easy Street, Inc.
8877 Bourgade
Lenexa, KS 66219-1403
Telephone 866 936-7TOM (866 936-7866)
Find out more about TOM at www.TotalOffi
Visit TOM’s sister sites—
Easy Street is a Microsoft Partner
Inside panels:
All the Specialized Tools You Need—and None You Don’t
- Accounts Payable
- Accounts Receivable
- Administration
- Asset Management
- Certified Payroll
- Communications
- Contact Management
- Credit Management
- General Ledger
- Inventory Control
- Job Costing
- Maps & Directions
- Reports & Analysis
- Sales
- Scheduling & Dispatch
Special Features
- Optimized for Networks & Multiple Users
- GAAP Compliant
- Unlimited Accounting Periods
- Tracks Multiple Companies
- Databases Exportable to All Standard Formats
Introducing TOM—Total Office Manager Software
A comprehensive operations and management system created by contractors for contractors
Running a busy contracting business using generic programs like QuickBooks and Act! is like trying to make do with a Swiss army knife when you really need a fully-equipped toolbox.
With Total Office Manager software, you’ll find all the specialized tools you need for your service contracting business in one single, powerful, fully-integrated package. And like any kit of fine, custom, professional-grade tools, TOM is not only powerful, but a genuine pleasure to use.
With TOM, you can—
- Handle all fundamental accounting tasks quickly, easily and securely.
- Schedule service calls, generate work orders and dispatch technicians using TOM’s electronic dispatch board with speed and efficiency.
- Manage appointments and telephone messages for all employees without having to shuffle through stacks of “While You Were Out” slips.
- Quote jobs and make estimates with confidence, based on your own custom flat-rate pricing books.
- Market and manage maintenance agreements more profitably than ever.
- Keep the right inventory in stock and, once it’s delivered, track every piece of it by part number and location right down to the truck or bin number.
- Track tools, equipment and other business assets by employee, by location, by truck—or any other way that’s most useful to your operations.
- Manage fleet and equipment maintenance using TOM’s internal scheduling and reminder functions.
- Access complete customer and vendor data, including account history, credit status, notes and contact information, instantly.
- Compare job estimates to actual labor and material costs and find out which jobs are profitable and which are not.
- Generate truly meaningful management reports to help you make better-informed business decisions.
The Kansas-based team who created TOM—including service technicians, owners of contracting businesses, master electricians, master mechanics, electrical engineers, accounting experts, business consultants and computer programmers—spent more than 14,000 hours over the past three years perfecting the program.
Our development team worked especially hard to make TOM easy for you and your employees to learn and use. We wrote a full set of user-friendly printed manuals, as well as complete, context-sensitive online help.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows 2000 or XP
- Pentium 733 processor
- 512 MB RAM
- 300 MB free disk space
- SVGA (1024×768) video with 16-bit driver
- CD-ROM drive
You’re in the Service Business, and So Are We!
Granted, we’re selling a tangible software product. But we’re primarily in the business of serving and supporting our contractor-customers.
We offer both basic and “VIP” support packages, along with additional support options that allow you to get the help you need exactly the way you want it—in blocks of time you can purchase and access by telephone, fax or email, or through calls, faxes and emails to our Kansas service center strictly as needed.
We also offer data conversion services for QuickBooks, Act! and other programs to help you make the transition to TOM as quickly and painlessly as possible.
TOM’s No-Risk Guarantee
We are so confident you’re going to love TOM, we offer a completely risk-free, money-back guarantee. If for any reason you want to return your software, simply call us within 30 days of purchase. We’ll issue a return authorization number and refund your money.
Visit TOM online at Call toll-free 866 936-7866. Find more specialized contractors’ tools at and
Flat Rate Plus Sales Brochure

Flat Rate Plus
At Easy Street, Inc., we’ve been providing simple, accurate flat rate pricing solutions since 1995. We exclusively cover the residential and commercial HVAC, refrigeration, plumbing, electrical and appliance repair industries. Our powerful, easy-to-use Flat Rate Plus™ software comes complete with ready-made flat rate books for you to customize for your company and start printing, usually within an hour of installing the software!
The Case for Flat Rate Pricing
If you’re using a time-plus-materials pricing model in your service contracting business, you are losing potential profits every single business day!
You need to use flat rate pricing!
What is flat rate pricing? It is, simply, setting fixed prices in advance for all your repairs and installations. Of course, flat rate pricing is designed to compensate you for time and materials, too—but in a way that offers many significant advantages over time-plus-materials:
- With flat rate pricing, you can charge more for your work, pay your staff and yourself better wages and increase your profits—and do it in a way the vast majority of your customers will accept without protest! In fact, most customers are delighted to pay your new, higher prices in exchange for removing their fears about what their job might end up costing.
- Your customers know the total cost of the job in advance and can accept or decline your services before the work begins. There’s no haggling, and no need to justify the total price when the job is done. Customers perceive your pricing as fair and equitable. You free them from wondering if they—or the next customer—could negotiate a better price.
- Your rate stays confidential. To most customers, even modest hourly rates for service technicians seem exorbitant, compared to hourly wages earned by employees outside the service sector. With flat rate pricing, your hourly rate remains your business, and you never again have to respond to a customer’s criticism of your “ridiculous rates.” Your customers no longer have to watch the clock or worry about start times, finish times and whether or not the technician is working fast enough. They can relax, knowing your price is guaranteed up front.
- You empower your technicians to be more professional—devoting the time they need to do each job right, without having to worry how the customer—or you—will react to the total amount of time it takes. That leads to greater job satisfaction!
- You reap the benefits of better efficiency. With hourly pricing, the more efficient you become, the less money you make. The novice who needs an hour to complete a repair generates twice the revenue as an experienced technician who completes the same repair in 30 minutes.
- You can use flat rate pricing as a powerful marketing tool to promote new equipment sales and maintenance contracts. You can easily show customers the exact cost of new installations, compared with repairs to existing equipment, or the savings you offer customers with maintenance contracts.
- Your technicians can quickly and easily collect payment when the job is done, with no questions asked—turning in checks at the end of the day instead of work sheets to be processed, invoiced and collected, if you’re lucky, within the next 30 days.
The average technician accrues 1,420 billable hours each year.
With Time-Plus-Materials Pricing…
…a typical hourly rate for services is $75, less the typical average variable labor costs of about 24% of sales, or $18 per hour, for an effective net rate of $57 per hour.
1,420 hours x $57 = $80,940 net services revenue per tech per year using time-plus-materials pricing
With Flat Rate Pricing…
…the average hourly service rate is $100, less 24% variable labor costs—or $24 per hour, for a net hourly rate of $76.
1,420 hours x $76 = $107,920 net services revenue per tech per year using flat rate pricing
$107,920 frp net – 80,940 t&m net = $26,980 additional net profit per technician per year with flat rate pricing!
Introducing Flat Rate Plus™ —America’s #1 Flat Rate Pricing Solution
Improve your bottom line—and your life—with flat rate pricing! Call 877-232-7978 or visit now!
So you’re sold on the concept of flat rate pricing? Now, how do you implement it as quickly and easily as possible?
You could sign up for a flat rate pricing book subscription, but we believe the very best alternative—by far—is to invest in flat rate pricing software.
And not just any flat rate pricing software, either! We mean Flat Rate Plus™ Why?
First, consider the advantages software offers over preprinted books:
- You can customize your rate books to your company just about any way you want to—modifying hourly rates and parts prices either individually or globally, adding or deleting repairs and inventory items—without worrying about added costs and without waiting for an outside vendor to revise, reprint and ship your books. You are in complete control.
- You can save substantially on printing costs. Whether you print from your computer or take your books on disk to a print shop, you will almost certainly pay less by eliminating the vendor’s mark-up on printing.
- You can keep your books current and directly applicable to your experience by downloading database updates, adjusting variables specific to your company and reprinting as needed—by the page or by the entire book!
- Many preprinted rate books are inaccurate and incomplete right off the presses, and you’ll almost certainly be expected to live with the errors and omissions until the next book comes out—assuming the vendor identifies and goes to the added expense of making corrections.
- Before they’re out of the shipping box and into your technician’s hands, pre-printed rate books are out of date.
- With software, errors can be corrected immediately and data can be updated continuously at a low cost, compared to corrections and updates to printed books.
Now consider how Flat Rate Plus™ is, by far, the best choice in flat rate pricing software:
- Set-up is remarkably fast and easy. In a matter of an hour or so, Flat Rate Plus™ leads you through the transition from time-plus-materials to flat rate pricing. Follow eight simple steps, print your books and start making more money with your very next service call. While you’re setting up the system, let your techs watch the training tape so they’ll be ready to use their new books right away.
- The people behind Flat Rate Plus™ are, first and foremost, qualified service technicians who have personally carried out thousands of installation and repair jobs, step by step, in the real world. They have also studied industry data to assure the accuracy, validity and universality of all data.
- Our technicians specify the most versatile, universally applicable repair parts. For example, the Flat Rate Plus™ HVAC book identifies 19 control boards that will work in about 10,000 furnace and air handler models, and 42 draft inducers that will work in about 12,000 models of furnaces. That helps you complete more jobs in a single call, while keeping your inventory costs and special orders to a minimum.
- Since its introduction in 1996, Flat Rate Plus™ has been field tested by thousands of users who’ve profitably priced more than two million service calls using the software and rate books. Based on their valuable input, we’ve perfected the program.
- Flat Rate Plus™ is ready to go, right out of the box. You won’t find a more complete, more comprehensive database of specialized repair categories for your industry—HVAC and refrigeration, plumbing, electrical or appliance repair—anywhere. Typically, customers quickly and easily customize their books by deleting or inactivating unneeded repairs—not adding new ones.
- The Flat Rate Plus™ software license allows you to print as many books as you need, when you need them. There’s no programmed-in expiration date or time limit on how long you can use your software.
- You can use Flat Rate Plus™ on a network of as many as five computers at no additional charge. Licenses for multiple sites are also available.
- Once you customize Flat Rate Plus™ for your company, you can easily export your modified databases for use in other applications. Links to approximately 100 software programs, including BottomLine, Coastal, ESC, Master Builder®, Peachtree™, Service Success, TMS, TOM, QuickBooks®, Wintac and many others, are built right in.
- We have also created two comprehensive utility programs for the industry’s most widely-used off-the-shelf accounting programs—Peachtree™ and QuickBooks®—to allow Flat Rate Plus™ users a more complete integration of these popular accounting programs with their new pricing systems.
- Easy Street’s powerful new Total Office Manager™ accounting and management software system is also fully compatible with Flat Rate Plus™.
- Flat Rate Plus™ comes complete with powerful reporting capabilities, with predefined inventory, repair task and management reports included. Of course you can customize the predefined reports to your needs and preferences. You can even print your inventory list onto standard labels using barcode fonts!
- We review and update Flat Rate Plus™ data regularly. The built-in auto-update feature automatically downloads and installs updates—available at no additional charge for the life of the software version—so you can keep your rate system current.
- Flat Rate Plus™ comes with 15 built-in instructional videos.
What can you do with Flat Rate Plus?
- Add, delete and modify tasks
- Change labor rates and time
- Add or modify discounts
- Alter sales tax rates
- See a list of inventory parts associated with each task, including quantity, item number, description, unit price and retail price
- Identify inventory items by vendor
- Print your books and reports in full, vibrant color
- Create and save multiple color schemes for your books and reports
- Open and edit reports in Microsoft Word, Excel, WordPerfect and other popular word processing and spreadsheet programs
- Add unlimited notes to inventory items and repair tasks
- Select from multiple book layouts
- Choose from 100+ formatting options
- Print a custom Manager’s Book and table of contents
- Find the information you need quickly using advanced search capabilities
- Find and replace words in specific task and item categories
- Export reports and rate books into Adobe™ Acrobat’s pdf—a format accepted by most commercial printers
- Handle flat rate pricing for multiple companies
- Specify different global rates by department or division
- Automatically apply preferred customer discounts on parts and/or labor
- Handle multiple tax rates and tax-exempt billing
- And much, much more!
Flat Rate Plus™ Five Point Training System
In addition to comprehensive, context-sensitive online help, Flat Rate Plus™ comes with a complete package of training materials, including—
- Getting Started with Flat Rate Pricing—a complete manual to guide service managers step-by-step through implementing flat rate pricing.
- Flat Rate Plus™ Quick Start Guide—a simple guide covering the essentials of installation and set-up, designed to get you printing custom rate books within minutes.
- Flat Rate Plus™ Software Training Videos—a series of training modules to watch on your computer, showing and telling exactly how to complete common tasks, such as adding a repair, changing a price or exporting your data to a dispatch or accounting program.
- Flat Rate Pricing Technician’s Training Videotape—an hour-long overview to introduce your technicians to the many benefits of flat rate pricing for your company, your customer and the tech.
- Telephone Support—by our full, in-house staff of experienced service technicians and software experts. Standard support lasts 90 days from the invoice date—plenty of time to get you up and running with your new flat rate pricing system.
Welcome to Easy Street
Flat Rate Plus™ is brought to you by Easy Street, Inc., owned and operated by James R. Leichter since 1995.
Well-known throughout the service contracting industry as “Mr. HVAC,” James is a technician-turned-contractor-turned-consultant, motivational speaker and developer of a number of specialized software products for contractors—including Beyond Breakeven, Easy Load Calc, Knowledge Mark and Conversion Pro.
Easy Street’s newest software product—Total Office Manager—is a single, fully-integrated software system offering absolutely everything contractors need—and nothing they don’t need—to run their businesses.
James’ web site,, is among the most popular—and the most useful—Internet destinations in the industry. It’s the contractor’s go-to site for ideas, inspiration and specialized products to solve problems and build profits.
For more information about how Flat Rate Plus™ software can transform your contracting business, visit
Or call—877-232-7978
Satisfaction Guarantee
You may try Flat Rate Plus™ and, if you do not like it for any reason, you may return it to Easy Street within 30 days of the invoice date for a full refund, less shipping costs.
Minimum System Requirements
- Windows 2000, ME or XP
- Pentium 133
- 40 MB RAM (64 MB recommended)
- 100 MB hard drive space
- Printer
- 800 x 600, 256-color display
- Internet access to updates
Your Investment
Your investment of $2,499 for Flat Rate Plus™ includes your choice of a comprehensive database for residential and light commercial HVAC, electrical, plumbing or appliance repair. Additional databases are available for $599 each.
As the example inside shows, a typical contractor switching from time-plus-materials to flat rate pricing can increase net annual revenues per technician by about $27,000.
That means, with only one tech in the field, you can recover your $2,499 investment in Flat Rate Plus™ in less than five weeks!
Easy Street, Inc.
8877 Bourgade
Lenexa, KS 66219-1403
Telephone 877-232-7978
Easy Street is a Microsoft® Partner
Let’s Talk About Your Marketing Communications Goals and Challenges!
If you’re looking for help with writing, graphic design and marketing communications and you like the portfolio samples you see here, contact me to schedule a telephone call to explore the possibilities of a collaboration. Of course, there is no cost or obligation for the call.