Analysis Express, LLC

I wrote and designed a promotional brochure, flyers, a sales letter and a website for Analysis Express, LLC, an Ohio-based consultancy designing management information systems using relational databases.

Sales Brochure

Analysis Express brochure

Know it all. Know it now. Understand what it means.

Inside first panel:

You make business decisions, large and small, every single working day of your life. The more relevant facts you know, the sooner you know them and the better you understand their meaning, the better your decision-making can be.

By applying advanced expertise in business and finance as well as analytical and relational database technologies, the consultants from Analysis Express empower managers like you to make more intelligent, better-informed, more timely decisions with greater precision and confidence than ever before.

We guarantee your decision to work with Analysis Express will be among the wisest you ever make.

Inside panels:

Organizations today are inundated with data. With every transaction, the digital stockpile of facts and figures grows. But the abundance of data does not automatically translate into more or better business intelligence. Without the proper analytical tools in place, the facts are useless and, by their sheer volume, may even obscure critically important relationships and trends.

Now, imagine generating relevant, comprehensible business intelligence from your own data quickly and easily, using a full complement of creative, innovative, integrated decision-making tools created especially for your organization.

Imagine having direct, immediate access to complex, multi-dimensional reports within hours—not days or weeks—of the reporting period’s closing.

Imagine being able to drill quickly and effortlessly through summary data to precisely the level of detail you desire.

Imagine consolidating and cross-referencing multiple, diverse pieces of product, employee, customer and financial measures over multiple weeks, months or years to discover undetected patterns and trends—all within an instant of wondering who, what, how, why or what-if.

Imagine being able to address questions, detect emerging problems and make sound decisions based on rock-solid, current facts rather than speculation and guesswork.

Imagine working with Analysis Express.

Using sophisticated online analytical processing technologies, robust relational databases, and data mining programs and techniques, Analysis Express can help you effectively tap into your organization’s digital storehouse to discover previously hidden relationships and instantly generate truly meaningful reports on every aspect of your operations.

Intimately familiar with relational and multi-dimensional database technologies, data mining algorithms and tools, and data analysis products from such industry leaders as Hyperion, IBM, Oracle and Microsoft, Analysis Express offers the technical expertise you need to generate business intelligence of extraordinary quality and relevance—available at the instant you require it.

The certified experts at Analysis Express developed their broad business knowledge and honed their technical skills while designing and implementing analytical systems for some of the world’s largest, most demanding corporations like Abbott Laboratories, Daimler Chrysler Financial Services, Detroit Diesel Company, DM Federal Credit Union, General Motors, Hub Group, Iasis Healthcare, Lear Corporation, MSX International, Ohio Casualty Group and Spectrum Healthcare.

Service Options to Suit Your Priorities

Unlike many large consultancies offering cumbersome, standard-issue solutions to every problem, Analysis Express is exceptionally flexible and creative in its approach to serving each of its clients. By offering a complete range of fully customizable service options, Analysis Express readily adapts to your precise needs, in-house capabilities and business priorities. Variables such as budget, turnaround time and program implementation duties are fine-tuned as needed to meet your specific goals.

Analysis Express team members pride themselves on their ability to create fast, innovative and cost-effective solutions to fit each client’s specific business performance management and business intelligence needs.

All client relationships begin with an analysis of the potential return on your investment in Analysis Express consulting services. Only if the benefits are demonstrably substantial and clearly measurable will Analysis Express proceed with a proposal.

Back panel:

The wisdom of all your decisions depends on the timeliness and quality of the management information at your disposal.

Contact Analysis Express today to arrange for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Analysis Express
Know it all. Know it now.

Analysis Express, LLC
8050 Beckett Center Drive, Suite 207
West Chester, OH 45069
Telephone 513 942-7752
Fax 800 848-9446

Services Flyers

Analysis Express services flyers

Banking Industry Services

Where traditional reporting ends

As a bank manager, you rely on reports to understand your business. But if your reporting system is like most, it delivers too much detail. Summary values are either non-existent or hard to find. New questions or variations require data to be re-entered into a spreadsheet—a very time consuming and error-prone process. With so many questions left unanswered and so many patterns, threats and opportunities undetected, it’s no wonder that many banking executives feel “unarmed” in the daily battle for business success.

Custom reporting systems by Analysis Express begin where traditional reporting systems end. Using the latest analytical techniques and technologies, the experienced business consultants of Analysis Express will bring fast, understandable analytical capabilities to your bank.

New insights will come to life for your executives and managers with dynamic pivoting, business-rule-based consolidation, drill-down, drag-and-drop grouping and sorting, sorting, and multi-level trending. Now, you can go beyond reporting facts and figures, quickly turning meaningless mountains of detail into truly useful management information.

With a custom system by Analysis Express, you can quickly and easily analyze your loan products by—

• Type
• Credit score or credit class
• Customer
• Loan officer
• Origination month/quarter/year
• Originating channel or channel unit
• Pricing scheme or rate index
• Marketing promotion

Analyze your customers and their profitability by—

• Market segment
• Demographic group
• Affinity group
• Total product relationships

Alert the appropriate managers to potential problems and troubling trends with early warning systems to detect—

• Changing prepayment and default rates on loan products
• Attrition rate of customers
• Impending margin compression
• Trend and seasonality components of loans or deposits

Traditional financial reporting is very procedural and can impose significant delays between your need for information and your ability to get it.

The wisdom of all your decisions depends on the timeliness and quality of the information at your disposal. To arrange a no-cost needs analysis, contact Analysis Express today.

Analysis Express, LLC
8050 Beckett Center Drive
Suite 207
West Chester, OH 45069
Telephone 513 942-7752
Fax 800 848-9446

Services for Healthcare

The management intelligence you need, when you need it

Your healthcare organization is unconditionally dedicated to providing the best possible care for your patients. But if your organization is to maintain its own financial health amid ever-rising healthcare costs and increasingly aggressive payors, making well-informed management decisions is crucial.

If your reporting system is like most, it either delivers too much detail or none at all. New questions or variations require data to be re-entered into spreadsheets—a very time consuming and error-prone process. With so many questions left unanswered and so many patterns, threats and opportunities undetected, it’s no wonder that many healthcare executives feel “unarmed” in the daily battle for business survival.

Fortunately, much of the decision-making information you need is contained within your current computer systems. All you need is a robust set of tools that will allow you to access and organize the data to answer your most critical questions, such as—

■ What trends are emerging over time in patient demographics and admissions?
■ Should we offer diagnostic and treatment services we are currently referring to outside providers in-house?
■ Can we afford to hire more staff or purchase a new piece of diagnostic equipment?
■ How much variation is there in the productivity of our individual practitioners and staff members?
■ What factors account for the variations?
■ Will an insurer’s proposed fees for the upcoming contract year allow us to make a profit, break even or lose money?

The experts at Analysis Express will design and implement the precise, custom management intelligence solutions you need to answer questions like these and many more.

Using sophisticated analytical processing technologies, relational database and data mining programs, Analysis Express will empower you to access, consolidate and compile your data in an infinite variety of meaningful ways.

Just as following documented best practices and treatment protocols helps ensure the best possible outcomes for your patients, applying sound management principles based on documented business intelligence ensures the best possible efficiency and profitability for your organization.

The wisdom of all your decisions depends on the timeliness and quality of the information at your disposal. To arrange a no-cost needs analysis, contact Analysis Express today.

Analysis Express, LLC
8050 Beckett Center Dr.
Suite 207
West Chester, OH 45069
Telephone 513 942-7752
Fax 800 848-9446

Services for Small Business

The reporting power you need

Your business may be small, but your need for sophisticated reporting and analytical tools is substantial. With our proven expertise in business intelligence, process management and custom software development for businesses of all sizes, we are fully prepared to create custom solutions to meet the precise, uniquely individual needs of your business.

Our certified experts developed broad business knowledge and honed their technical skills while designing and implementing analytical systems for some of the world’s largest, most demanding corporations, including Abbott Laboratories, Daimler Chrysler Financial Services, Detroit Diesel Company, DM Federal Credit Union, General Motors, Hub Group, Iasis Healthcare, Lear Corporation, MSX International, Ohio Casualty Group and Spectrum Healthcare.

Unlike many large consultancies offering cumbersome, standard-issue solutions to every problem, we are exceptionally flexible and creative in our approach, readily adapting our services to your capabilities and priorities. We fine-tune variables such as budget, turnaround time and program implementation as needed to meet your specific goals using processes expressly designed to save you time and money.

Here are more ways we’re different—

• We provide faster, more efficient service using fewer, better-qualified people.
• We offer more innovative, creative and technologically sophisticated solutions.
• We offer lower costs and significantly more value for your investment in our services.

We have special expertise in—

• Multi-dimensional database (OLAP) technologies and tools
• Relational database technologies and tools
• Data-mining algorithms and tools
• All commonly-used programming and scripting languages
• Translating information-based business problems into creative decision-support solutions

“Analysis Express was very proactive during the programming of our new electronic renewal access set-up. Due to their excellent knowledge base, the process went smoothly and quickly. We will be utilizing them again to update some outdated programming that is the core of my business and critical to my bottom line.”

—Betsy Shepherd, President
Truck Permit & License Service

To arrange a no-cost needs analysis, contact Analysis Express today.

Analysis Express, LLC
8050 Beckett Center Drive
Suite 207
West Chester, OH 45069
Telephone 513 942-7752
Fax 800 848-9446

Analysis Express is a member of the Better Business Bureau, Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber and The Circuit: Cincinnati’s Digital Connection.

Analysis Express Sales Letter

Dear Mr. Prospect:

When was the last time you read a dictionary? I’m not talking about checking a spelling or a definition, but actually reading a dictionary line by line, page by page?

Your computer databases are a lot like a dictionary—filled with hundreds of thousands of pieces of information that are meaningless without an intelligent author who can select, organize, analyze and report on crucial trends and relationships.

I started Analysis Express to create the high-order financial analytical reporting tools organizations like yours need to extract essential management intelligence from databases in the most timely, cost-efficient ways possible. With our help, you can access the information you need when you need it, discover trends and make better-informed decisions on virtually every aspect of your operations.

We’re different.

Here’s how I’ve made Analysis Express different from other consultancies:

It seems the larger the consulting company, the more managers and sales people they have on staff. According to the Analysis Express business model, non-technical staff members simply don’t add enough value to justify their cost. We don’t employ—and you don’t pay for—middle managers, account executives and other unnecessary overhead.

Many large firms assign so many people to a project that staff members spend more time communicating among themselves than they do solving the client’s problem. Analysis Express teams are made up of a few carefully-selected, multi-talented, highly-skilled consultants who are tightly integrated and sharply focused on the specific needs of each project. For exceptionally large or complex projects, we assign project management duties to a team member. But for most jobs, we simply do the work needed to deliver the results we’ve promised without needing extensive and expensive supervision.

As a result, Analysis Express delivers:

  • Faster, more efficient service using fewer, better-qualified people
  • More innovative, creative, technologically sophisticated solutions
  • Lower costs and much more value for your money

We know what we’re doing—and what you’re doing.

Among our consultants are experts in all leading relational database technologies. Whatever systems you now have in place, we are almost certain to be intimately familiar with their design and operation. We are also knowledgeable about business and finance principles and their practical, real-world applications in a range of industries, including yours.

The initial analysis is on us.

Every client relationship begins with a free initial consultation to assess current analytical reporting capabilities, determine specific needs and estimate the costs and potential return on investment in our services. I typically follow up the first meeting with a proposal of services, custom-tailored to your needs.

And here’s my personal promise to you: If I assess your needs and, based on conservative estimates, am not fully confident you will recover your investment in our services during the first six months your system is up and running, I will not propose to work with you.

Of course, in either case, you will be under no further obligation.


Subrata Debnath

P.S. Remember, there is no cost or obligation for our initial consultation and needs assessment. With absolutely nothing to lose, and potentially vast amounts of business intelligence to gain, you really should call right now to schedule a meeting. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Analysis Express Website

Analysis Express website screen shots

Let’s Talk About Your Marketing Communications Goals and Challenges!

If you’re looking for help with writing, graphic design and marketing communications and you like the portfolio samples you see here, contact me to schedule a telephone call to explore the possibilities of a collaboration. Of course, there is no cost or obligation for the call.