Kerry Nesbit
Writer, Graphic Designer and Marketing Communications Consultant
I started Kerry Nesbit, Incorporated, as a freelance writing and graphic design business in 1983 after three years as marketing communications coordinator for an insurance company.
I have a master’s degree in journalism and a bachelor’s degree in radio, television and motion pictures—both from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While in graduate school, along with journalism, I studied marketing and advertising in the UNC School of Business Administration and worked as managing editor of a scholarly journal published by the UNC School of Education.
I wrote my master’s thesis on how words and images work together in print.
My career as a professional writer began in 1978 when, as an undergraduate, I sold my first magazine article.
Through the decades, I’ve sold many more feature articles and news releases, written for, designed and edited in-house publications, written and designed brochures and flyers, created websites from scratch, written catalog copy, designed labels and packaging, written video scripts and provided marketing communications and public relations counsel for a variety of clients.
Beginning in 2013, I spent more than six years handling digital and print communications for an Episcopal church. As the church’s first communications director, I designed and managed a multi-channel communications system to serve approximately 2,500 parishioners in more than 1,000 households.
While on the church staff, I continued to operate Kerry Nesbit, Incorporated, in my free time. I resigned from the church position in August 2018 to return to full-time work on my business.
How I Work With Clients
From the beginning of my freelance career, I have found working remotely—even with local clients—is the most efficient, most cost-effective way to deliver my services. Most communication takes place by email and phone, with an online meeting if face-to-face contact or screen-sharing are called for.
I am a solo practitioner. I generally avoid subcontracting, so my clients know they can count on me to handle their work personally, bringing all my knowledge and experience to bear on every aspect of their project. Should the need arise for outside help, I get the client’s prior approval before handing off any work.
I do not work with your direct competitors while working with you.
I maintain strict confidentiality concerning all information you tell me is private or proprietary to your organization.
Special Advantages
I’m detail-oriented and a stickler for correct spelling and grammar.
I use current, industry-standard Adobe software—Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign—so that my images are sharp and my graphics files can be opened by any mainstream printer, sign-maker or other vendor.
I offer a mutual satisfaction guarantee. During our first 30 days of working together, I will give you a full refund of any advance payment you’ve made, should either of us decide we’re not a good fit.
Let’s Talk About Your Marketing Communications Goals and Challenges!
If you’re looking for help with writing, graphic design and marketing communications and you like the portfolio samples you see here, contact me to schedule a telephone call to explore the possibilities of a collaboration. Of course, there is no cost or obligation for the call.